
I found myself in Wonderland.

Cicero, book 3: Dictator de Robert Harris

Classé dans : Avis littéraires,Coup de cœur — 27 février 2021 @ 15 h 58 min

Genre : HistoriqueDictator

Editeur : Cornerstone

Année de sortie : 2015

Nombre de pages : 464

Titre en français : Cicéron, tome 3 : Dictator

Synopsis : ‘Laws are silent in times of war.’

There was a time when Cicero held Caesar’s life in the palm of his hand. But now Caesar is the dominant figure and Cicero’s life is in ruins.

Exiled, separated from his wife and children, his possessions confiscated, his life constantly in danger, Cicero is tormented by the knowledge that he has sacrificed power for the sake of his principles.

His comeback requires wit, skill and courage – and for a brief and glorious period, the legendary orator is once more the supreme senator in Rome.

But politics is never static and no statesman, however cunning, can safeguard against the ambition and corruption of others.

Riveting and tumultuous, Dictator encompasses some of the most epic events in human history yet is also an intimate portrait of a brilliant, flawed, frequently fearful yet ultimately brave man – a hero for his time and for ours. This is an unforgettable tour de force from a master storyteller.


Avis : A VENIR

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