
I found myself in Wonderland.

Come as You Are: the surprising new science that will transform your sex life d’Emily Nagoski

Classé dans : Avis littéraires,Coup de cœur — 7 novembre 2020 @ 11 h 17 min

Genre : Essai, ScienceCome as You Are

Editeur : Scribe

Année de sortie : 2019 [2015]

Nombre de pages : 335

Synopsis : An essential exploration of women’s sexuality that will radically transform your sex life into one filled with confidence and joy.

After all the books that have been written about sex, all the blogs and TV shows and radio Q&As, how can it be that we all still have so many questions?

The frustrating reality is that we’ve been lied to — not deliberately, it’s no one’s fault, but still. We were told the wrong story.

Come As You Are reveals the true story behind female sexuality, uncovering the little-known science of what makes us tick and, more importantly, how and why. Sex educator Dr Emily Nagoski debunks the common sexual myths that are making women (and some men!) feel inadequate between the sheets.

Underlying almost all of the questions we still have about sex is the common worry: ‘Am I normal?’ This book answers with a resounding Yes! We are all different, but we are all normal — and once we learn this, we can create for ourselves better sex and more profound pleasure than we ever thought possible.


Avis : A VENIR

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